Erimus Chambers - Barristers
T: 01582 965700

Erimus Chambers

Erimus Chambers
Christchurch House
40 Upper George Street

T:01582 965700

Tenancy Opportunity at Erimus Chambers

Erimus Chambers are currently inviting applications for tenancy.

We are particularly interested in receiving applications from juniors who want a busy diary, are happy to receive two sets of instructions most days (am and pm) and will want to, and need to work hard, and reap the rewards of doing so.

The prospective tenant will have experience in one or more (not necessarily all) of the following main areas:

Civil & PI – Multi Track, Fast Track, Small Claims, RTA and other common law
Non CFA fixed fee instructions

Magistrates and Crown - private instructions from various nationwide motoring solicitors (and Direct Access)

Family - Child Public Law, Child Private Law, DV and Finance
Both Legal Aid and Private (including Direct Access)

We cover a wide area (and are looking to expand), from Birmingham (North) to Brighton (South) and from Exeter (West) to Norwich (East) – all London courts and everywhere in-between and are always happy to quote for courts further afield so applications are also encouraged from barristers in different areas than the South East.

Please contact the Senior Clerk in the first instance by calling 01582 965700 or by email
News from Chambers
Tenancy Vacancy at Erimus Chambers more
Office Closing Christmas 2024 more
Lee Tilling joins Erimus Chambers more
Online Hearings and Conferences more
01582 965700 - Additional phone number more